Işık üniversitesi Exit sınavı
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Işık Üniversitesi’nde tüm dersler İngilizce yapılmaktadır. İngilizce Hazırlık Programı’nın başlıca hedefi, öğrencilerin İngilizce bilgilerini anadal programlarını izleyecek düzeye çıkarmaktır.
İngilizce Hazırlık Programı Kapsamı
Core Language Development (CLD): Dilbilgisine ağırlık verirken aynı zamanda tüm dil becerilerini geliştirmeyi amaçlayan derslerdir.
Beceri Geliştirme (Skill Development): Okuma (Reading), Dinleme (Listening) ve Yazma (Writing). Bu programlar öğrencilere anadal programlarında gerek duyacakları becerileri öğretmeyi hedefler.
ICT (Information and Communications Technology): Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri araçlarının kullanımı, dil eğitimimizin önemli bir parçasıdır. Bu amaçla, kendi öğretmenlerimizin hazırladığı materyallerin, İnternet ortamında bulunan kaynakların öğrencilerimizin sınıf içinde ve dışında dil bilgi ve becerilerini yoğun bir şekilde geliştirmelerine yardımcı olması hedeflenmektedir.
Müfredatın İşlenişi
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İngilizce Yerleştirme Sınavı
İngilizce Yeterlik Sınavı (Örnek Sınav)
Çıkış Sınavı (Exit Exam) (Örnek Sınav)
Muafiyet Bilgileri
Işık üniversitesi Pte sınavı özel ders
Read TEXT 1 and answer the questions 1-10 based on the information in the text. Write your answers on
the ANSWER SHEET provided.
Capital Punishment and Minors
Capital Punishment or the death penalty is a controversial issue, with many prominent organizations and individuals participating in the debate. Capital punishment has been totally abolished in almost all European countries. While the abolition of capital punishment has become the norm in Europe, in the United States of America, it is legal in thirty-eight of the fifty states. Nowadays, however, American public is discussing a serious question: Should there be a minimum age limit for executing criminals? Most countries around the world that allow capital punishment do not apply it to minors. In the U.S, however, each state makes its own decision. In the state of South Carolina, James Terry Roach, who was found guilty and convicted of murder, was given the death penalty for a crime he had committed while he was a minor. Roach’s lawyer argued that as a minor, the boy had not been at full reasoning capacity and could not have controlled his actions because he had not been reasonably aware of the possible punishment, which was the death penalty in this case. Though it was a reasonable argument, the governor of South Carolina, who followed the state
law instead of his own opinion, refused to stop the execution. Roach was finally executed by electrocution in 1989.
In another American case, in the state of Indiana, this time, a 15-year old girl was on Death Row for a crime she committed when she was 13. Paula Cooper and three friends robbed and killed an elderly woman in 1986. At the time of the murder, the minimum age limit for executions in Indiana was 10 years. Cooper was tried in court in 1987 and in that same year was sentenced to death. As with Roach’s lawyer, Cooper’s lawyer appealed the court’s decision, asking the governor to stop the execution because Cooper was very young, and as a minor she had made seriously bad judgments. One year later, the Indiana governor, who favored the death penalty, said that he had to let the courts do their job.
Two years after Paula Cooper’s crime, Indiana raised the minimum age limit for executions to the age of 16. However, because she had been sentenced before the age limit for executions was changed, the courts refused to stop her execution. In 1988, the U.S. Supreme Court, the federal court that makes decisions for all of the states in America, decided to prohibit the execution of juveniles who were under the age of 16 when they committed their crime. Before that, the minimum age limit was 10 years. As a result of this new law, the state of Indiana had to stop the execution because Cooper was below the legal age for execution. In 1989, Paula Cooper was then sentenced to 60 years in prison for her crime. Although few believe that these killers deserve sympathy or any kindness, some people believe that
capital punishment is too severe for convicted murderers who are minors. Opponents of the death penalty in general think that it is wrong to take the life of another person in any circumstance. They argue that capital punishment does not protect the victim or the victim’s family, and does not prevent potential criminals from killing or committing other serious crimes. They also point out that sometimes, a person could be executed for a crime he or she did not commit.
On the other hand, people who agree with the death penalty argue that it prevents repeat crimes and, therefore, future victims, because the criminals have been executed. In addition, these proponents of capital punishment believe that the fear of death stops criminals from doing the act. That is, they believe that fewer people commit murder because they fear the death penalty. The laws concerning capital punishment are continually under discussion. Whether anyone should be executed for a crime or whether minors should be executed at all are questions that are difficult to answer and have no easy solution. (659 words)
1. Inparagraph 1, find a verb that means “end”.
2. What is the difference between the cases of James Terry Roach and Paula Cooper?
A. Roach was convicted of murder but Cooper was not.
B. Roach was executed, but Cooper was not.
C. Cooper was executed, but Roach was sentenced to 60 years in jail.
D. Cooper was alone when he committed the murders, Roach was not.
3. All of the following are TRUE EXCEPT…
A. the governor of South Carolina personally believed in the right to live.
B. the governor of Indiana was for capital punishment.
C. both the governors decided that there should be an execution.
D. neither governor was in favor of the execution of minors.
4. Inparagraph 3, he “appealed the decision” means that he…
A. made a request to change the decision.
B. supported the decision.
C. changed his opinion about the decision.
D. changed the decision on his own.
5. The U.S. Supreme Court is the court that…
A. all states in the U.S. must follow.
B. only gives the death penalty.
C. 36 states go for serious crimes.
D. decides cases for minors only.
6. Inthe United States, before 1988…
A. only adults could be executed for murder.
B. anyone could be executed regardless of age.
C. anyone at the age of 10 could be executed.
D. only people over 16 could be executed.
7. Which of the following is NOT an argument against the death penalty for minors?
A. It is as expensive to kill people as to keep them in jail.
B. It doesn’t help the victim or his family.
C. Innocent people can also be executed.
D. It doesn’t stop future murderers from killing.
8. Inparagraph 5, find an adjective that means “extreme”. ______________.
9. In paragraph 6, “they” refers to __________________.
10. What is the main idea of TEXT 1?
A. In the United States, many states allow the death penalty for minors.
B. Many minors are executed by the government every year in the United States.
C. The death penalty for minors is a controversial issue and difficult to solve.
D. Capital punishment is a crime against humanity and should be illegal.
Read TEXT 2 and answer the questions 11-25 based on the information in the text. Write your answers on the
ANSWER SHEET provided.
The Relationship between Law and Crime in Different Cultures
The idea of “law” exists in every culture. All societies have some kind of law to keep order and to control the actions 1 of people within that society or the citizens of a country. The laws of any culture tell people three important things:what they can do (rights), what they must do (duties), and what they must not do (illegal actions). In addition, there are usually specific types of punishment for those who break the laws of a society. Although all societies have laws, not all have the same idea of what is “right” and what is “wrong,” and how “wrong” should be punished. In most Western societies, it is thought that punishing criminals will stop them from committing other crimes. Also, it is hoped that the fear of punishment will stop them from doing a criminal act. In other words, it is hoped that the fear of the punishment (paying money to the state, serving prison time, or being executed) acts as a deterrent which prevents people from doing something wrong. For example, one of the underlying ideas behind capital punishment is that criminals would not commit serious crimes because they would be afraid of the death penalty. In contrast, however, most non-Western societies (in Asia or Africa for example), view punishment as a way to restore balance to a situation. For example, as punishment, a thief might be ordered to return the thing he stole and give extra money rather than spend time in prison. This would restore or bring back balance. A murderer in some countries would be executed so that his crime comes back to him. Societies also differ in their ideas of what “laws” are. In the West, people consider “laws” as quite different from “customs.” Customs are common social practices, whereas laws are a requirement. For example, giving your seat to an older person on a bus is a custom, but certainly not a law. In many Western countries committing adultery, which is cheating on your husband or wife, is viewed as a violation of custom (social rule), but not of state law, and is therefore not punishable by law. Additionally there are the ideas of ‘’sins’’ and ‘’crimes.’’ Sins are acts that break religious rules, and crimes are acts that break the laws of government. In some cultures, especially non-Western cultures, there is little separation between laws, customs, and sins. In Iran, for example, where the laws are based on religion, a crime against the state is also a crime against religion. If a woman is not faithful to her husband, she
has broken the rules of society (custom) and religion (sin) and therefore has broken laws of government (law). This is not the case in the United States and many other countries, where there is a separation between government and religion. Most countries have two kinds of court: criminal and civil. In criminal court the defendant is charged with a crime against society such as murder, theft, rape or robbery. Someone who commits one of these crimes can be put in
prison, asked to pay a fine, or provide a community service such as picking up trash, or in extreme cases, be put to death. In civil cases, on the other hand, a person who has a complaint may bring a legal action to protect his or her
interests or to collect money for damages suffered. Examples of civil cases include a family suing a construction company whose poor construction caused an accident to their home, or a worker who hurt his back at work suing his employer because he can no longer work. In civil cases, people usually sue for a specific amount of money to make up for the injury or loss they have suffered Though most countries have a civil system, the way the civil system is applied reflects the values of the society in which it exists. In the United States, where individual justice is considered very important, civil law has become “big business.” There are over 700,000 lawyers in the US, and many of them deal only with civil cases. That is, they work for people who want to “sue” a person or company. For example, a very typical case happened in 1998 when a woman who had bought coffee from a McDonald’s spilled the hot coffee while she was driving and burned her arm.
She thought it was McDonald’s’ fault and sued them for half a million dollars and won! In other countries, by contrast, suing other people or companies is not common at all. In Japan, for example, there is very little use of the civil system, and few people sue. This is because in Japan, civil harmony (peaceful agreement) is more important than individual rights, and because people would rather settle conflicts and come to an agreement outside of court. All of these differences in the perception of what is right and wrong, how to punish criminals, what laws are and how legal systems work can vary a great deal from one culture to another. Moreover, in today’s increasingly globalizing world, it can also cause major conflicts when cultures collide. One example of this occurred in 1998 in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. when a Chinese immigrant couple was arrested for hitting their 8 year-old daughter. After the parents found out that their daughter had lied to them about school and about losing a ring she had received for her birthday, her father slapped her several times on the face and on the arms and legs. When he took his daughter to a neighborhood park to look for the lost ring, he and his wife were arrested, and their daughter was temporarily taken away from them and put in a home for abused children. Although the parents quickly got their daughter back, they were forced to take courses on parenting skills and anger management. Even after they took these classes, there was still a criminal charge against the husband for hitting his daughter. If this had happened in China, they would not have been arrested, and they certainly would not have had their daughter taken away from them. In China, they would have broken neither customs nor laws; however, in their newly adopted home, they had mistakenly done both. As more and more cultures interact, it is not clear what will happen in the future. This raises many important questions. Will customs become less important and laws become the means by which international relations function? What effects will this have on legal systems? Will the number of lawyers grow in other countries besides the United States? What will happen to punishment in the future? How will problems like the example above be solved in other countries? While these are fascinating questions to consider, in order to learn the answers, we will probably just have to wait and see. (1139 words)
11. Unlike people in non-Western societies, people in Western societies believe that…
A. right kind of punishment restores balance.
B. crimes should come back to the criminal.
C. society should isolate criminals.
D. being afraid of punishment prevents crime.
12. Inparagraph 2, “them” refers to ________________.
13. We can infer from paragraph 3 that…
A. religious laws form the backbone of state laws in the West.
B. in non-Western cultures there is a clear separation of crimes and sins.
C. laws and customs do not always match in Western societies.
D. in both Western and non-Western societies customs are more important than state laws.
14. Athief in Africa would probably…
A. be executed by the state for breaking a law and custom.
B. have to give back what he stole with some money.
C. be given a prison sentence as a punishment.
D. have to pay a fine to the government.
15. Which of the following is TRUE about courts?
A. Civil courts generally deal with financial compensation.
B. Cases in criminal courts are less serious.
C. Murder and theft are handled by civil courts.
D. More lawyers are involved in the practice of criminal cases.
16. Inthe text, the McDonald’s example was used in order to show…
A. how the criminal case system works in the United States.
B. that a lot of people in the United States go to civil courts.
C. that companies are always at fault in the U.S. civil court system.
D. how immoral lawyers are in the United States.
17. InJapan it is more important to ___________ than to _________.
A. be happy an individual / settle conflicts.
B. settle conflicts / live in harmony.
C. make money / settle conflicts.
D. live in harmony / be happy as an individual.
18. Inparagraph 6, the example of the Chinese immigrant family is used to show …
A. that immigrants usually commit crimes in their new country.
B. that children are more important in American culture than in Chinese culture.
C. how differences in cultures can create serious problems for some individuals.
D. how strict laws and customs in America force immigrants to leave the country.
19. The main purpose of TEXT 2 is to…
A. explain the different ways societies view right and wrong and punishment.
B. show that some cultures have a better system of law and punishment.
C. provide informed opinions on different models of law and punishment.
D. outline the process of the civil case system in regards to law and punishment in different societies.
20. The main idea of TEXT 2is that…
A. civil laws are laws that deal with money and focus on the individual.
B. there is an important relationship between “law” and punishment in most cultures that
comes from the values a society has.
C. Western cultures are stricter than non-Western cultures when they punish their criminals.
D. the laws of a country reflect its level of social and economic development.
Based on what you have read in TEXT 2, decide which of the following phrases refer to or are examples of
(A) laws, (B) customs, (C) both laws and customs, or (D) neither laws nor customs.
21. Tells people what their legal rights are in the West.
22. Giving your seat to someone on a bus.
23. Hitting your child in the States.
24. Suing your company for your personal loss.
25. Awoman cheating on her husband in a non-Western country
Name & Surname:
Student number:
Class: (Track 1A, 2B, 3C etc.)
Exam room number (108, 202, etc) __________________
You will have 90 minutes to write about the topic of Crime and Punishment. Recall the issues that have been covered today. Now consider these issues as you answer the question below in an academic essay. You will be graded on the language (50%) and the organization/development (50%) of your essay. Your essay should have at least four paragraphs, including: an introduction paragraph which has a clear and well-structured thesis statement, at least two well-developed body paragraphs with topic sentences, supporting sentences and details/facts/examples, and a concluding paragraph.
You may support your ideas with ideas from the readings, the lecture,
and your own personal experience.
Plan your ideas on the back of this page. You will not be graded on your plan.
Thesis Statement
Body 1 (Topic Sentence)
Body 2 (Topic Sentence)
(Body 3)(Topic Sentence)
Sample Exit Exam 1
- Introduction
- Reading Text & Questions
- Response Writing
- Lecture Text
- Lecture Questions 1-10
- Lecture Questions 11-20
- Writing
- Answer Key
Sample Exit Exam 2
- Intro
- Reading
- Lecture
- Lecture Questions
- Response
- Essay
- Answer Key for Reading & Listening (Version A)